Clann Domhnaill "Children of Donald"

This document represents the direct lineage of Denise Evadene McDaniel-Wedgwood, both Ancestors and Descendants. Unfortunately time does not permit the detailed research of all Aunts, Uncles and Cousins. When possible, information discovered about distant relatives has been included. The information enclosed has been researched to the best of my ability. If you find any errors/corrections to be made please contact me at

This has been an interesting journey that I have thoroughly enjoyed.

Denise Evadene McDaniel – Wedgwood
June 21, 2009

The McDaniel Name

McDaniel, another form of MacDonald, mainly found in the American South, where the two names were almost completely interchangeable.

Derived from: Gaelic mac Domhnaill “son of Donald (world ruler)". Angus Mor mac Donald, son of Donald mac Ranald mac Somerled, was first of the name. In the 16th century it started being used as a last name by those who could claim to be a "son of Donald". The MacDonnell and MacConnell spellings are mostly found in Clan Donald SOUTH, while MacDonell is mainly GLENGARRY, but more anciently KEPPOCH. The MacDaniel derivations are not territorial but are simply due to "free" spelling by clerks, census takers, ships captains, etc., particularly in the American South. There is absolutely no difference in Mac, Mc or even M', and any of these spellings, even with a big D or a little d, may be found today in many of our main branches.

Finlaggan Castle

First Generation

i. Somhairle/Somerled mac Aonghas was born about 1113 in Morven, Argyleshire died about 1164 he is buried at the Abbey of Saddell in Kintyre. He married Ragnhildis about 1140.

Ragnhildis is the daughter of Olaf I Godredsson also known as Olaf the Red, King of Mann and the Isles and Ingeborg Haakonsdottir.

Somhairle and Ragnhildis had three children:

Second Generation:

ii. Raghnall who carried on the succession.
ii. Dubhgall inherited his father’s territories in Lorn, Mull and Jur.
ii. Aonghas inherited Bute, with a part of Arran and the Rough Bounds extending from Ardnamurchan to Glenelg.

More Information on Somhairle mac Aonghas:

Somhairle (Old Norse Sumarliói, Scottish Gaelic Somhairle, commonly Anglicized from Gaelic as Sorley) was a military and political leader of the Scottish Isles in the 12th century who was known in Gaelic as ri Innse Galle (“King of the Hebrides”). His father was Gillebride of Clan Aonghas who had been exiled to Ireland. The name, a common one amongst the Vikings, means summer traveler and is a kenning for Viking.

Somhairle first appears in historical chronicles in the year 1140 as the regulus, or King of Kintyre (Cinn Tire) when he married Ragnhildis the daughter of Olaf or (Amhlaibh), King of Mann and the Isles also known as Olaf the Red. The year 1153 saw the deaths of two kings: David I of Scotland and Olaf of Mann. There was so much confusion and discord as a result and Somhairle took his chance – making offensive moves against both Scotland and Mann and the Isles, the latter having been inherited from Olaf by Somhairle’s brother-in-law, Goraidh mac Amhlaibh.

The Monastery of Saddell in Kintyre, which had been commissioned by Somhairle, was the final resting place of the mighty founder and progenitor of the line of princes who sat upon the island throne, from whom descended the great Cineal Ua Dhomhnuil nan Eilean meaning The Children of The Noble World Mighty Of The Isles.

Notwithstanding that no precise record survives of the date of his ascension to the leadership of the Gael, it is clear that Somhairle reigned for more than thirty years. His longevity is a tribute to his ability in an era that had little tolerance for weakness. The legends which survive about him also confirm his stature. Not only is he celebrated for his strength and courage, but also for his wisdom, his compassion and his humanity. He heroically defended his homeland from both the Viking and Scottish invaders, but more than that, he built a kingdom on the basis of his leadership and charisma as well. He strongly supported the Christian Church, as well as Gaelic institutions and tradition and, contrary to Sasunnach feudal denials, the family dynasty he established and defended with his life survives to this day.

In 2005 a study by Professor of Human Genetics Bryan Sykes of Oxford led to the conclusion that Somhairle has possibly 500,000 living descendants - making him the second most common currently-known ancestor after Genghis Khan.

The Abbey of Saddell in Kintyre

The Scots Peerage 1908
The Annals of Ulster

Second Generation

ii. Raghnall/Ranald mac Somhairle was born about 1143 and died about 1207. He married Fiona of Galloway about 1175.
Fiona was born about 1150, date of death unknown.

Fiona was the daughter of the Earl of Moray, granddaughter of Fergus, Prince of Galloway.

Raghnall mac Somhairle and Fiona of Galloway had 3 sons and one daughter:

Third Generation:

iii. Domhnaill b. 1190 d. 1247
iii. Ruaidhr/Roderick
iii. Dubhgall (clan mac Dougall)
iii. Hilda that married Alan FitzRoland Lord of Galloway

More Information on Raghnall mac Somhairle:

Raghnall mac Somhairle became in reality the representative of the family, being not only popular in Scotland, but respected on the coasts of Ulster where he appeared at times as a peace-maker among the northern Irish chieftains.

Raghnall succeeded his father, inheriting lands in Kintyre and Islay. He drove his brother Aonghas out of Bute and Arran. After the death of Aonghas, Raghnall and his other brother Dubhgall held roughly equal possessions.

In about 1180 Raghnall granted a charter to the monastery of Paisley. In this charger he was styled Lord of the Isles. Raghnall was also styled King of the Isles and Lord of Argyll.

Raghnall’s Arms are described as: “In the middle of the seal on one side a ship filled with men-at-arms; on the reverse side, the figure of an armed man on horseback with a drawn sword in his hand.”

The Scots Peerage 1908

Third Generation

iii. Domhnaill mac Raghnaill / Domhnaill (Donald) of Isla(y) – it is this Donald that the mac Domhnaill name derives, mac meaning Son of Donald of Isla was born about 1190 and died about 1256. He married Elizabeth (Beatrix) Stewart.

Elizabeth (Beatrix) Stewart was the daughter of Beatrix of Angus and Third High Steward Walter Stewart of Scotland.

Donald of Isla and Beatrix Stewart had two children:

Fourth Generation:

iv. Aonghas (Angus) Mor (the Elder) mac Domhnaill b. 1220 d. 1295.
iv. Alasdair (Alexander) Mor (the Elder) mac Domhnaill

More Information on Domhnaill mac Raghnaill:

Domhnaill (Donald) meaning World Ruler.

Domhnaill’s main legacy is being the eponymous founding figure of the famous MacDonald kindred of Islay. Early modern MacDonald tradition thought of Domhnaill as a “Lord of the Isles”, like his descendents. One such tradition related that King Alexander II of Scotland sent a messenger to Domhnaill, requesting that he hold the Isles from Alexander rather than the “King of Denmark”. Domhnaill was said to have responded that his predecessors had their rights of the Isles from the crown of Denmark, which were renewed by the present king thereof.

This anachronistic portrayal of the struggle between King Haakon IV of Norway and the Scottish crown for over lordship of the western seaboard of Scotland, giving Domhnaill such a senior role, does not fit with the contemporary evidence. When it was written down, Denmark ruled Norway and the MacDonalds were well established as the rulers of the Isles. However, during most of his life Domhnaill was probably subordinate to his old brother, Ruaidhr mac Raghnaill, and as Ales Woolf has said “there is little or no explicit contemporary evidence that Domhnaill was a significant figure during his lifetime.”

Nevertheless, Domhnaill appears to have left his son Aonghas, a lordship of respectable size centered on Islay. According to a praise-poem written for this son, the real the latter inherited from Domhnaill included “every house from Mull to Kintyre” (gach teach o Mhuile go Maoil).

The Scots Peerage 1908

Fourth Generation

iv. Aonghas (Angus) Mor (the Elder) mac Domhnaill (son of Donald) born 1220 Kingdom of the Isles, Scotland. Died 1295 Finlaggan Castle, Scotland. Married NicColin Campbell.

NicColin Campbell was the daughter of Sir Colin Campbell of Lochawe.

Aonghas Mor mac Domhnaill and NicColin Campbell had three children:

Fifth Generation:

v. Alasdair (Alexander) mac Domhnaill
v. Aonghas (Angus) Óg (the Younger) mac Domhnaill b. 1274 d. 1330
v. Eoin (John) mac Domhnaill

More Information on Aonghas Mor mac Domhnaill:

The first extant reference to Aonghas as “Lord of Islay” dates to 1256, during the war between Haakon IV of Norway and Alexander III of Scotland, the Norwegians invaded Aonghas’ territory and forced him to join them. Aonghas switched back to the Scottish side in the following year, sending his son Alexander Óg as a hostage to the king. Much of the remainder of his life is mysterious. He was one of the magnates who in 1284 recognized the right of Alexander III’s granddaughter, Margaret, Maid of Norway, to succeed to the throne; he appears in documents as late as July 1292. He died on Islay in either 1294 or 1295 and was buried in Iona.

The Scots Peerage 1908

Fifth Generation

v. Aonghas (Angus) Óg (the Younger) mac Domhnaill born 1274 in Icolmkill, Western Isles, Scotland, died 1330 Finlaggan Castle, Scotland. Married Aine (Agnes) O’Cathain about 1300.

Aine O’Cathain is the daughter of Cumhaighe O'Cathain, King of Oirecht-UI-Chatham

Aonghas Óg mac Domhnaill and Aine O’Cathain had three children:

Sixth Generation:

vi. Mary mac Domhnaill b. 1300 d. 1336
vi. Eoin (John) mac Domhnaill b. 1305 d. 1386
vi. Fingola mac Domhnaill

More Information on Aonghas Óg mac Domhnaill:

Aonghas Óg, Lord of Islay, an Islay-based Hebridean chief who had benefited from king Robert I of Scotland attacks on the MacDougall (MacDhùghaill) rulers of Argyll and their Comyn allies, and had been given Agdnamurchan, Lochaber, Duror and Glencoe, turning the MacDonalds from the Hebridean "poor relations" into the most powerful kindred of the north-western seaboard.

Aonghas Óg, who was the hero of Sir Walter Scott’s Lord of the Isles, died at Finlaggan Castle, in Isla in 1330 and was buried in Iona, where his tombstone bears the inscription “Hic jacet corpus Angusii Filii Domini Angusii MacDomhnill de Ila.” “Here lies the body of Angus, the son of Lord Angus of Isla.”

He supported King Robert I of Scotland and fought at the Battle of Bannockburn. The king gave him lands, an important step in the rise of Clan Donald at the expense of Clan MacDougall.

The Scots Peerage 1908

Sixth Generation

vi. Eoin (John) mac Domhnaill born 1305 in Icolmkill, Western Isles, Scotland, died 1386 Ardtornish Castle, Morvern, Scotland. Married Amie mac Ruari about 1337, divorced about 1350.

Amie mac Ruari was the daughter of Roderick mac Ruari.

Eoin Mac Domhnaill and Amie mac Ruari had two children:

Seventh Generation:

vii. Ranald mac Domhnaill b.
vii. Godfrey mac Domhnaill b.

Eoin mac Domhnaill then married Princess Margaret Stewart about 1350.

Princess Margaret Stewart was the daughter of Robert II, King of Scotland and Elizabeth Mure.

Eoin mac Domhnaill and Princess Margaret Stewart had three children:

Seventh Generation:

vii. Donald mac Domhnaill
vii. Eoin Mor mac Domhnaill b.1350 d.1427
vii. Alexander mac Domhnaill

More Information on Eoin mac Domhnaill:

Also known as:

John the Good because of his support for the church.
John of Islay, John Lord of the Isles
John MacDonald
The Lord of the Isles (1336 – 1386) and Chief of Clan Donald.

John, Lord of the Isles, son of Angus Óg, further raised the power of his family by marrying his cousin, Amie mac Ruari, heiress of the line of Roderick, by her he got Garmoran and had two sons, Ranald and Godfrey. From the former of these are descended the houses of Glengarry and Clan Ranald, which to the present day put forward against the MacDonald’s of the Isles claims to the supreme chief ship of the great MacDonald Clan. John, Lord of the Isles, however, appears to have repudiated or divorced his first wife, Amie mac Ruari, and to have married, under a dispensation dated 1350, Margaret, daughter of the seventh High Steward, afterwards King Robert II. By her he had three sons, Donald, John, and Alexander, and by reason, it is believed, that they were the king’s grandsons, the eldest of the three was preferred to the succession to the Lordship of the Isles. At the same time, by way of compensation, their mother’s inheritance, comprising the ancient lordship of Garmoran, was secured to the sons of the first wife. Of the three sons by the second wife, John became ancestor to the Earl of Antrim, and Alexander to the MacDonalds of Keppoch.

Americans of Royal Descent by C.H. Browning
Irish Pedigrees or The Origin and Stem of the Irish Nation by John O’Hart

Seventh Generation

vii. Eoin (John) Mor (the Elder) mac Domhnaill, known as Eoin Mor Tainisteir (meaning born heir designate) born 1350 in Ireland, assassinated 1427 in Ireland. Married Margery Bisset.
Margery Bisset is the daughter of Mac Eoin Bisset, of the Glinns, Antrim.

Eoin Mor mac Domhnaill and Margery Bisset had two children:

Eighth Generation:

viii. Donal Ballach MacDonnell
viii. Marcach (Marcus) MacDonnell b. 1370 d. 1397

More Information on Eoin Mor mac Domhnaill:

The McDonnell’s of Antrim are descended from John Mor MacDonald chief of the Clan MacDonald of Dunyvaig. John Mor MacDonald was the second son of Good John of Islay, Lord of the Isles, 6th chief of Clan Donald through John of Islay’s second marriage to Princess Margaret Stewart, daughter of King Robert II of Scotland.

John Mor MacDonald married Margery Bisset of the Glens of Antrim. This acquired him vast lands in Ireland added to those he already possessed including Dunyvaig Castle on the Isle of Islay and lands in Kintyre, Scotland. John Mor thus became the chief of Clan McDonnell of Antrim where he was seated at Dunluce Castle.

The MacDonald clans of Antrim, and Dunyvaig under the same chief have similar histories however one being in Ireland and the other in Scotland, respectively, they are often treated as two separate clans, but they are two branches of Clan Donald.

John Mor was assassinated by James Campbell in 1427.

Americans of Royal Descent by C.H. Browning
Irish Pedigrees or The Origin and Stem of the Irish Nation by John O’Hart

Eighth Generation

viii. Marcach (Marcus) MacDonnell born 1370 Antrim, Ireland died 1397 Leinster, Ireland. Married Amy Okeyan about 1393.

Amy Okeyan was the daughter of Okeyan, Lord of Dunsevern.

Marcach MacDonnell and Amy Okeyan had one son:

Ninth Generation:

ix. Tirlough Mor MacDonnell b. 1393

More Information on Marcach MacDonnell:

Marcach (meaning horseman) is the stem of the MacDonnell’s of Leinster.

This is the only other information that I could find on Marcach MacDonnell –

Richard De Clare, a Magna Charta Surety, had:
Gilbert De Clare, a Magna Charta Surety, who had:
Isabel De Calre, married Robert Bruce, Earl of Annandale, and had:
Robert Bruce, King of Scotland, who had:
Margery Bruce, married Walter, high steward of Scotland, and had:
Robert II., King of Scotland, who had:
Margaret Stewart married John-mor MacDonnell, Lord of the Isles and had:
John-Óg MacDonnell, younger son d. 1369, who had:
Marcach MacDonnell, of the Glinns, killed 1397, who had:
Tirlough-Mor MacDonnell, of the Glinns died 1435, who had:
Tirlough-Óg MacDonnell, of Leinster, who had:
Donoch MacDonnell, of Leinster, killed 1504, who had:
Eoin Carrach MacDonnell, of Leinster died 1570, who had:
Tirlough MacDonnell, of Leinster, who had:
Calvagh MacDonnell, of Tynekille, died 1570 who had:
Hugh-Buidhe MacDonnell, of Ballycrassel, died 1618.

Americans of Royal Descent by C.H. Browning
Irish Pedigrees or The Origin and Stem of the Irish Nation by John O’Hart
The Magna Charta barons and their American descendants with the pedigrees of the founders of the Order of Runnemede deduced from the sureties for the enforcement of the statutes of the Magna Charta of King John By Charles Henry Browning

Ninth Generation

ix. Tirlough Mor MacDonnell born 1393 and died 1435. Married Unknown.

Tirlough Mor MacDonnell and unknown had one son:

Tenth Generation:

x. Tirlough Óg MacDonnell

More Information on Tirlough Mor MacDonnell:

This is the only information that I could find on Tirlough Mor MacDonnell –

Richard De Clare, a Magna Charta Surety, had:
Gilbert De Clare, a Magna Charta Surety, who had:
Isabel De Calre, married Robert Bruce, Earl of Annandale, and had:
Robert Bruce, King of Scotland, who had:
Margery Bruce, married Walter, high steward of Scotland, and had:
Robert II., King of Scotland, who had:
Margaret Stewart married John-mor MacDonnell, Lord of the Isles and had:
John-Óg MacDonnell, younger son d. 1369, who had:
Marcach MacDonnell, of the Glinns, killed 1397, who had:
Tirlough-Mor MacDonnell, of the Glinns died 1435, who had:
Tirlough-Óg MacDonnell, of Leinster, who had:
Donoch MacDonnell, of Leinster, killed 1504, who had:
Eoin Carrach MacDonnell, of Leinster died 1570, who had:
Tirlough MacDonnell, of Leinster, who had:
Calvagh MacDonnell, of Tynekille, died 1570 who had:
Hugh-Buidhe MacDonnell, of Ballycrassel, died 1618.

Americans of Royal Descent by C.H. Browning
The Magna Charta barons and their American descendants with the pedigrees of the founders of the Order of Runnemede deduced from the sureties for the enforcement of the statutes of the Magna Charta of King John By Charles Henry Browning

Tenth Generation

x. Tirlough Óg MacDonnell date of birth and death unknown. Married Unknown.

Tirlough Óg MacDonnell and unknown had one son:

Eleventh Generation:
xi. Donoch MacDonnell
More Information on Tirlough Óg MacDonnell:

This is the only information that I could find on Tirlough Óg MacDonnell –

Richard De Clare, a Magna Charta Surety, had:
Gilbert De Clare, a Magna Charta Surety, who had:
Isabel De Calre, married Robert Bruce, Earl of Annandale, and had:
Robert Bruce, King of Scotland, who had:
Margery Bruce, married Walter, high steward of Scotland, and had:
Robert II., King of Scotland, who had:
Margaret Stewart married John-mor MacDonnell, Lord of the Isles and had:
John-Óg MacDonnell, younger son d. 1369, who had:
Marcach MacDonnell, of the Glinns, killed 1397, who had:
Tirlough-Mor MacDonnell, of the Glinns died 1435, who had:
Tirlough-Óg MacDonnell, of Leinster, who had:
Donoch MacDonnell, of Leinster, killed 1504, who had:
Eoin Carrach MacDonnell, of Leinster died 1570, who had:
Tirlough MacDonnell, of Leinster, who had:
Calvagh MacDonnell, of Tynekille, died 1570 who had:
Hugh-Buidhe MacDonnell, of Ballycrassel, died 1618.

Americans of Royal Descent by C.H. Browning
The Magna Charta barons and their American descendants with the pedigrees of the founders of the Order of Runnemede deduced from the sureties for the enforcement of the statutes of the Magna Charta of King John By Charles Henry Browning

Eleventh Generation

xi. Donoch MacDonnell died 1504. Married Unknown.

Donoch MacDonnell and unknown had one son:

Twelfth Generation:

xii. Eoin (John) Carrach MacDonnell b.

More Information on Donoch MacDonnell:

This is the only information that I could find on Donoch MacDonnell –

Richard De Clare, a Magna Charta Surety, had:
Gilbert De Clare, a Magna Charta Surety, who had:
Isabel De Calre, married Robert Bruce, Earl of Annandale, and had:
Robert Bruce, King of Scotland, who had:
Margery Bruce, married Walter, high steward of Scotland, and had:
Robert II., King of Scotland, who had:
Margaret Stewart married John-mor MacDonnell, Lord of the Isles and had:
John-Óg MacDonnell, younger son d. 1369, who had:
Marcach MacDonnell, of the Glinns, killed 1397, who had:
Tirlough-Mor MacDonnell, of the Glinns died 1435, who had:
Tirlough-Óg MacDonnell, of Leinster, who had:
Donoch MacDonnell, of Leinster, killed 1504, who had:
Eoin Carrach MacDonnell, of Leinster died 1570, who had:
Tirlough MacDonnell, of Leinster, who had:
Calvagh MacDonnell, of Tynekille, died 1570 who had:
Hugh-Buidhe MacDonnell, of Ballycrassel, died 1618.

Americans of Royal Descent by C.H. Browning
The Magna Charta barons and their American descendants with the pedigrees of the founders of the Order of Runnemede deduced from the sureties for the enforcement of the statutes of the Magna Charta of King John By Charles Henry Browning

Twelfth Generation

xii. Eoin (John) Carrach MacDonnell date of birth and death unknown. Married Unknown.

Eoin Carrach MacDonnell and unknown had one son:

Thirteenth Generation:

xiii. Tirlough MacDonnell

More Information on Eoin Carrach MacDonnell:

This is the only information that I could find on Eoin Carrach MacDonnell –

Richard De Clare, a Magna Charta Surety, had:
Gilbert De Clare, a Magna Charta Surety, who had:
Isabel De Calre, married Robert Bruce, Earl of Annandale, and had:
Robert Bruce, King of Scotland, who had:
Margery Bruce, married Walter, high steward of Scotland, and had:
Robert II., King of Scotland, who had:
Margaret Stewart married John-mor MacDonnell, Lord of the Isles and had:
John-Óg MacDonnell, younger son d. 1369, who had:
Marcach MacDonnell, of the Glinns, killed 1397, who had:
Tirlough-Mor MacDonnell, of the Glinns died 1435, who had:
Tirlough-Óg MacDonnell, of Leinster, who had:
Donoch MacDonnell, of Leinster, killed 1504, who had:
Eoin Carrach MacDonnell, of Leinster died 1570, who had:
Tirlough MacDonnell, of Leinster, who had:
Calvagh MacDonnell, of Tynekille, died 1570 who had:
Hugh-Buidhe MacDonnell, of Ballycrassel, died 1618.

Americans of Royal Descent by C.H. Browning
The Magna Charta barons and their American descendants with the pedigrees of the founders of the Order of Runnemede deduced from the sureties for the enforcement of the statutes of the Magna Charta of King John By Charles Henry Browning

Thirteenth Generation

xiii. Tirlough MacDonnell date of birth and death unknown. Married Unknown.
Tirlough MacDonnell and unknown had one son:

Fourteenth Generation:

xiv. Calvagh (Charles) MacDonnell

More Information on Tirlough MacDonnell:

This is the only information that I could find on Tirlough MacDonnell –

Richard De Clare, a Magna Charta Surety, had:
Gilbert De Clare, a Magna Charta Surety, who had:
Isabel De Calre, married Robert Bruce, Earl of Annandale, and had:
Robert Bruce, King of Scotland, who had:
Margery Bruce, married Walter, high steward of Scotland, and had:
Robert II., King of Scotland, who had:
Margaret Stewart married John-mor MacDonnell, Lord of the Isles and had:
John-Óg MacDonnell, younger son d. 1369, who had:
Marcach MacDonnell, of the Glinns, killed 1397, who had:
Tirlough-Mor MacDonnell, of the Glinns died 1435, who had:
Tirlough-Óg MacDonnell, of Leinster, who had:
Donoch MacDonnell, of Leinster, killed 1504, who had:
Eoin Carrach MacDonnell, of Leinster died 1570, who had:
Tirlough MacDonnell, of Leinster, who had:
Calvagh MacDonnell, of Tynekille, died 1570 who had:
Hugh-Buidhe MacDonnell, of Ballycrassel, died 1618.

Americans of Royal Descent by C.H. Browning
The Magna Charta barons and their American descendants with the pedigrees of the founders of the Order of Runnemede deduced from the sureties for the enforcement of the statutes of the Magna Charta of King John By Charles Henry Browning

Fourteenth Generation

xiv. Calvagh (Charles) MacDonnell date of death June 18th 1570. Married Unknown.

Calvagh MacDonnell and unknown had one son:

Fifteenth Generation:

xv. Hugh Buidhe MacDonnell b. 1546 d. August 31, 1618

More Information on Calvagh MacDonnell:

This is the only information that I could find on Calvagh MacDonnell –

Richard De Clare, a Magna Charta Surety, had:
Gilbert De Clare, a Magna Charta Surety, who had:
Isabel De Calre, married Robert Bruce, Earl of Annandale, and had:
Robert Bruce, King of Scotland, who had:
Margery Bruce, married Walter, high steward of Scotland, and had:
Robert II., King of Scotland, who had:
Margaret Stewart married John-mor MacDonnell, Lord of the Isles and had:
John-Óg MacDonnell, younger son d. 1369, who had:
Marcach MacDonnell, of the Glinns, killed 1397, who had:
Tirlough-Mor MacDonnell, of the Glinns died 1435, who had:
Tirlough-Óg MacDonnell, of Leinster, who had:
Donoch MacDonnell, of Leinster, killed 1504, who had:
Eoin Carrach MacDonnell, of Leinster died 1570, who had:
Tirlough MacDonnell, of Leinster, who had:
Calvagh MacDonnell, of Tynekille, died 1570 who had:
Hugh-Buidhe MacDonnell, of Ballycrassel, died 1618.

Americans of Royal Descent by C.H. Browning
The Magna Charta barons and their American descendants with the pedigrees of the founders of the Order of Runnemede deduced from the sureties for the enforcement of the statutes of the Magna Charta of King John By Charles Henry Browning

Fifteenth Generation

xv. Hugh Buidhe (pronounced Boy) MacDonnell born 1546 in Tynekille Castle, Queens County, Leinster, Ireland. Died August 31, 1618. Married Mary O’More about 1569. Mary O’More was born about 1548 Leinster, Wicklow County, Ireland.

It is unknown who the parents of Mary O’More were.

Hugh Buidhe MacDonnell and Mary O’More had five children:

Sixteenth Generation:

xvi. Fearach MacDonnell b. 1570 d. unknown
xvi. Fergus MacDonnell b. 1575 d. 1637
xvi. Bryan MacCalvagh MacDonnell b. 1577 d. 1635
xvi. Helena MacDonnell b. 1579 d. unknown
xvi. Alexander MacDonnell b. 1580 d. unknown

More Information on Hugh Buidhe MacDonnell:

Hugh Buidhe MacDonnell, lord of the Manors Tynekille and Ballycrassel, Queens County, Ireland.

Tighearna Coille (Forest Manor), Co. Laois also known in Irish as Tynekille or Tennekille, this tower house, built c. 1450 by Eoin (John) Carrach MacDonnell, served as the “Caput” (Seat) of The MacDonnells Of Leinster for more than two hundred years.

Irish Pedigrees, Or, The Origin and Stem of the Irish Nation By John O'Hart Published by M.H. Gill & Son, 1881
Americans of Royal Descent, Compiled and Edited by C.H. Browning
Published 1883 Original from Oxford University
The Description of Ireland by Edmund Hogan Published 1878

Sixteenth Generation

xvi. Bryan MacCalvagh MacDonnell born 1577 in Tynekille Castle and died there in 1635. Married Mary Combs about 1618. Mary Combs was born 1590 in Glencoe, Scotland, date of death unknown.

The parents of Mary Combs are unknown.

Bryan MacCalvagh MacDonnell and May Combs had one son:

Seventeenth Generation:
xvii. Alexander MacDonnell/MacDonald b. 1613 d. March 30, 1683

Irish Pedigrees; or, The Origin and Stem of the Irish Nation by John O’Hart published 1892
The Magna Charta barons and their American descendants with the pedigrees of the founders of the Order of Runnemede deduced from the sureties for the enforcement of the statutes of the Magna Charta of King John By Charles Henry Browning Published 1898

Seventeenth Generation

xvii. Alexander MacBryan MacDonnell/MacDonald born 1613 in Leinster, Ireland; died March 30, 1683, Arklow, County Wicklow, Ireland. Married Mary Helena Archbold about 1645. Mary Helena Archbold was born about 1622 Wilcaoorn, Queens County, Ireland and died 1691/92 in Arklow, County Wicklow, Ireland.

Mary Helena Archbold was the daughter of Thomas Archbold.

Alexander MacCalvagh MacDonnell and Mary Helena Archbold had one son:

Eighteenth Generation:

xviii. Bryan MacBryan MacDonnell/MacDonald b. November 11, 1645 d. February 23, 1707.

More Information on Alexander MacBryan MacDonnell:

Alexander MacDonnell was the Constable of Wicklow County, Ireland. His grave is in the Presbyterian Cemetery in Wicklow, Ireland. His head stone is obviously very ancient, but clearly reads:

"Here lieth the body of Mr. Alexander McDonald who departed this life March 30th, 1683 in the 70th year of his age."

The Cemetery Records Project for Wicklow County, Ireland.

U.S. and International Marriage Records 1560-1900

Eighteenth Generation

xviii. Lieutenant Bryan MacDonnell/McDonald born November 11, 1645 in Arklow, Leinster, Ireland and died February 23, 1707 in Mill Creek, New Castle Delaware. Married Mary Jane Doyle about 1676. Mary Jane Doyle was born 1647 Arklow, Leinster, Ireland and died 1709 in Mill Creek, New Castle, Delaware. Bryan and Mary moved their family to America in 1685.

Mary Jane Doyle was the daughter John Doyle.

Bryan MacDonnell/McDonald and Mary Jane Doyle had seven children:

Nineteenth Generation:

xix. John MacDonnell b. November 11, 1679 d. February 23, 1762
xix. William MacDonnell b.1680 d. 1730
xix. James MacDonnell b.1682 d. 1751
xix. Bryan MacDonnell b. November 1686 d. May 21, 1757
xix. Mary MacDonnell b. 1688 d. 1707
xix. Richard McDonald b. 1691 d. 1730
xix. Anabel McDonald b. 1693 d. 1707

More Information on Bryan MacDonnell:

Bryan MacDonnell was a Lieutenant in Colonel Francis Toole's regiment in the cause of King James II of England. It seems as though King James II was quite tolerant of the Presbyterians and believed that they should be treated equally with the Catholics. Originally there were Presbyterian Officers and members in his army.

When James went into exile in France he appointed a Lord Deputy, Richard Talbot, earl of Tyrconnell, his brother-in-law, to manage his army in Ireland. He instructed Richard Talbot to treat the Presbyterians and Catholics in the army equally. Talbot saw fit to ignore this request and began to purge the army of Protestants in the following year. Englishmen were turned out of the Army, Protestant regiments were disbanded, and Roman Catholic Irishmen took their place. It was openly stated that Talbot's purpose was to destroy all Protestantism in the country, and to restore the old faith. It took only eighteen months and by the time James arrived back in Ireland, Talbot had removed 4000 Protestants from the army, including 400 officers. He had increased the Catholic soldiers from 1000 to 5000 by the end of 1686. It might appear that Bryan; Alexander's son might have been purged from the James Army at this time. Bryan (or Brian) MacDonald and his family settled near New Castle, Delaware, after arriving in this
country in 1691. Coming with him was his wife Mary and 4 sons, John, William, James and Bryan, Jr. He had 3 more children after arriving in America. They were Mary, Richard, and Anabel.

Bryan came to New Castle, Delaware and bought 693 acres of land from William Penn on November 18, 1689. The land is bordered by Red Clay Creek and Hyde Run.

It appears once coming to America the name of MacDonnell began to change. Bryan MacDonnell took the name of McDonald.

Name: Bryan MacDonnell
Will Made Date: February 23, 1707
Probate Date: March 19, 1707
Book B Page 153

In the Name of God Amen the twenty third day of Febry in the Yeare of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seven Bryan MacDonnell of the County of New Castle on Delaware River being sick and weak in body but of good and perfect memory (thanks be to Almighty God) and Calling to remembrance the uncertain Estate of this transitory life and that all flesh must Yield unto Death when it shall please God to call, Do make constitute ordain and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following revoking and annulling by these presents all and every testament and testaments Will and Wills heretofore by me made and declare either by word or/writing and this to be taken only for my Last Will and Testament and none other and first being penitent and sorry from the bottom of my heart I'or my sins past most humbly desiring forgiveness for the same, I give and commit my Soul to Almighty God my Saviour and Redeemer in whom and by the Meritts of Christs Death and passion possess and inherit the Kingdom
of heaven prepared for bio Elect and Chosen and my body to be buried in such place where it shall my Executors hereafter named to appoint. Now for the settling of my Temporal and such Goods as Chattels and Debts as it hath pleased God to bestow upon me, I do order give and depose the same in manner and form following (that is to say) First I will that all my Debts and Duties as I owe in Right or Conscience to any manner of person or persons whatsoever shall be well and truly contented and paid or ordered to be paid within Convenient time after my decease by my Executors thereafter named.

Item I give and bequeath to my well beloved Wife Mary during her natural life my Dwelling Plantation together with three hundred and forty acres of and thereunto adjoining with one half of my household Goods and moveables and the other half of my household Goods and Moveables to be equally divided between my two sons William and Bryan MacDonnell.

Item I give and bequeath to my Eldest Son John MacDonnell and to his assigns the fifty acres of Land or Meadow Commonly called the Great Meadow lying and being in the Forke of a Run called- Great Run As also Ten pounds of Good and lawful money to be paid to him by my Son William as hereafter to be specified.

Item I give to my Son William Mac Donnell his Heirs Assigns for ever two hundred and fifty three acres of Land it being part of the Grant of Land on which I now live, and lying and being on the south side of a small Run (which runneth up along the fence side on the south of my cleared Land) and Butting on the main or branch of the said Run, he therefore paying to my Eldest Son John MacDonnell the sum of ten pounds afore said within three years after my decease.

Item I give unto my son James MacDonnell the sum of twenty pounds of Lawful money to be paid by my Executors within three years after my Decease.

Item I give unto my Son Bryan MacDonnell his heirs or assigns after the decease of my dearly beloved Wife Mary my now Dwelling Plantation freely to be by him or his assigns possessed and enjoyed forever, but that if it should so happen, that he die before my dearly beloved Wife Mary that then my said Plantation shall return to my son Richard MacDonnell his heirs or assigns, and to be by him or his assigns freely possessed and Enjoyed forever.

Item I give unto my son Richard MacDonnell the sum of twenty pounds of Good and lawful money to be paid to him when he shall come to the age of twenty one years.

Item I give unto my Daughter Mary Danger one young Mare coming two years old being a fole of Great Gray Mare. Item I give unto my Daughter Anabel MacDonnell the sum of twenty pounds of Good and Lawful money to be paid to her when she shall come to the age of Eighteen years together with my Great White Mare I bought of Henry Peterson (of Elk River) and the two mares and one Colt which heretofore hath been called hers.

Item I will and do hereby order and intend that my son Bryan MacDonnell or his heirs shall pay the aforesaid sum of twenty pounds to my son Richard MacDonnell and my Daughter Anabel MacDonnell out of my now Dwelling Plantation within one year after he shall come into possession of it (If not paid before by my Executors) or in Case of his death and the Return of the Plantation to my son Richard MacDonnell (as aforesaid) that then he shall pay therefore unto my Daughter Anabel her said twenty pounds, And I do hereby Constitute make and ordain my dear and loving wife Mary and my well beloved sons William and Bryan MacDonnell my sole Executors of this my last Will and testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seale the day and year first above written.

Signed Sealed Published this and declared by the within Bryan MacDonnell

mark named Testator as his Last Will and testament in the presence of us the Subscribers
Richard Empson
James Robinson
George Read

About the year 1685, Wm. Guest obtained one grant for 50 Acres on New Rent, in New Castle Co. near the Great Run which flows into Redclay Creek, and another grant for 200 acres, all which he sold to One Phileman Murfy, who sold 50 acres of it to Brian McDonald, and resigned the rest as 'tis said to one of Brian's children, but without making any improvements or paying rent he left the Country. John McDonald, Sometime last year, viz.; 1707, Agreed with James Logan for all this land at 20 pounds p'r c'tand 1st ster. Q't R't from that time, according to which bargain he requests a regular grant and confirmation. "Reference to this land was also found in DB Q vol. 2 pg 11 New Castle Co. and the land is described as being between lands now of George Read, James Robinson and Hugh Symonds. Included in the deed is a recitation which stated an agreement was made with John McDonald, eldest son of Bryan McDonald for 250 acres & dated 7th day 11th month, 1708. He appears as Bryan MackDonnell on the New Castle, De. Assessment of 1693. The assessment was "by virtue of an act granting to King William & Queen Mary" The rate was 6 & 4 assessed (Tax Lists-Delaware1693-1696in Hist. Soc of PA). On 23 Feb 1707 Bryan MacDonnell made his will. He bequeaths to his wife, Mary his dwelling plantation together with 340 acres of land and one half of his household goods and movables. The other half to be equally divided between his two sons, William and Bryan MacDonnell. He bequeaths to his eldest son, John MacDonnell 50 acres of land called the Great Meadow being in the forks of a run called Great Run and ten pounds. To his son, William MacDonnell he gives 250 acres of land being part of the tract of land upon which Bryan lives. To son, James MacDonnell he gives 20 pounds. To son, Bryan MacDonnell he gives his "now dwelling plantation" after the decease of wife Mary. To son, Richard McDonnell he gives 20 pounds to be paid when he comes to the age of 21. To his daughter, Mary Danger he gives one young mare. To daughter Annabel MacDonnell 20 pounds to be paid to her when he comes to the age of 18 also his great white mare, two mares and one colt. Other requests for his children are in his will. His wife Mary and sons William & Bryan are executors. (Vol. B, 153Old Book New Castle Co., Del) Where the will is recorded there is this note, "Bryan MacDonnell, late of the said county of New Castle having while he lived and at the time of his death good sights and credits in diverse places within the same county.”(Notes from Miss Ellen McDonald 1925-1927)

Much has been written on Bryan McDonald and the McDonald family by Elizabeth Kelly Allison in Early Southwest Virginia Families, Auburn, Alabama, 1960 pg I 1 l; Southwest Va. Families by David B. Trimble pgs 261 & 266; Donald Family by Harvey Donald, Des Moines, Ia Pg 5; McDonald Genealogy by Frank V. McDonald; Frank V. McDonald, Genealogy of the Macdonald Family Edition B, New Haven, Connecticut, Tuttle, Morehouse &Taylor, 1876 & Frank V. McDonald, Contributions To The Early History of Bryan McDonald& Family, Settlers In 1689, San Francisco, Winterburn & Co., 1879;Early Irish Families in Virginia by Michael J. O'Brien pgs 324-327;David E. Johnston, A History of Middle New River Settlements &Contiguous Territory, Radford, VA, Commonwealth Press, Inc., 1906,reprinted 1969 pgs 436-438; The Donnells and their Macdonald Ancestors by Emma A. Donnell & James Arthur Donnell 1928. His name is on page 163 of Seventeenth Century Colonial Ancestors of Members of the National Society Colonial Dames XVII Century 1915-1975 Compiled by Mary Louise Marshall Hutton 1976."Bryan McDonald (1645-1707) Del., m. Mary Combe. Surveyor; Landowner. "Children: The first four born in Leinster, Wicklow, Ireland and the last ones in New Castle Co., DE."

U.S. and International Marriage Records 1560-1900
New Castle County, Delaware Wills 1682-1800
Americans of Royal Descent: A Collection of Genealogies of American Families Whose Lineage is Traced to the Legitimate Issue of Kings by Charles Henry Browning Published 1883
Irish Pedigrees, Or, The Origin and Stem of the Irish Nation: or the origin and stem of the Irish nation By John O'Hart Published by M.H. Gill & Son, 1881

Nineteeth Generation

xix. Bryan McDonald/MacDaniel born November 1686 in Arklow, Leinster, Ireland. Died May 21, 1757 in Buffalo Creek, Augusta, Virginia. Married Catherine Priscilla Robinson December 8, 1715 in New Castle, Delaware. Catherine Priscilla Robinson was born 1694 New Castle, Delaware, date of death 1760 Buffalo Creek, Augusta, Virginia.

Catherine Priscilla Robinson was the daughter of James Robinson and Catherine Howell.

Bryan McDonald/MacDaniel and Catherine Priscilla Robinson had nine children:

Twentieth Generation:

xx. Richard MacDaniel b. 1716 d. unknown
xx. James MacDaniel b. July 8, 1718 d. April 28, 1774
xx. Edward MacDaniel b. 1720 d. uknown
xx. Joseph MacDaniel b. b. 1722 d. unknown
xx. Rebecca MacDaniel b. 1724 d. unknown
xx. Catherine MacDaniel b. 1727 d. unknown
xx. Mary MacDaniel b. Jan 19, 1730 d. 1748-1749
xx. Bryan MacDaniel b. 1732 d. unknown
xx. Priscilla MacDaniel b. 1734 d. unknown

More Information on Bryan MacDaniel:

According to the Passenger and Immigration Lists Index 1500-1900 Bryan arrived in America in 1690 and took the name McDonald.

According to the Delaware Marriages, 1645-1899 he was using the name MacDaniel. The marriage record states:
Name: Bryan MacDaniel
Gender: Male
Spouse Name: Katherine Robinson
Marriage Date: December 8, 1715
County: New Castle
State: Delaware

In 1745 Bryan and his family settled in Botetourt County, Virginia

Record of this marriage may be found at the Family History Library under microfilm reference number(s) 0006420

FHL Film Number 0006414 to 0006422
U.S. and International Marriage Records 1560-1900

Passenger and Immigration Lists Index 1500-1900

A Dictionary of Scottish Emigrants to the USA by Donald White

Family Data Collection Center, Edmon West Provo, Utah

Americans of Royal Descent: A Collection of Genealogies of American Families Whose Lineage is Traced to the Legitimate Issue of Kings by Charles Henry Browning Published 1883

Sketch of Early Ecclesiastical Affairs in New Castle, Delaware, and History of Immanuel Church: And History of Immanuel Church By Thomas Holcomb Published by Delaware Print. Co., 1890

Twentieth Generation

xx. James McDaniel was born July 8, 1718 New Castle, Delaware, died April 28, 1774 Frederick, Montgomery County, Maryland. Married Rebecca Redman about 1730. Rebecca Redman was born about 1719 Calvert, Maryland and died December 20, 1784 Liberty, Frederick, Maryland.

Rebecca Redman was the daughter of John Redman and Sarah King.

James McDaniel and Rebecca Redman had eight children:

Twenty First Generation:

xxi. Mary McDaniel
xxi. Rebecca McDaniel
xxi. James McDaniel
xxi. John McDaniel
xxi. Joseph McDaniel
xxi. William McDaniel b. June 12, 1754 d. December 24, 1846
xxi. Redman McDaniel
xxi. Elizabeth McDaniel

Will of James McDaniel

28 April 1774, probated 12 June 1775.

Frederick County, Maryland, Will Book 1, pg 537-540 In the Name of God Amen I James McDaniel Senr. of Frederick County & province of Maryland,Farmer, being in perfect health and of sound mind Memory & understanding but Considering the uncertainty of this Transitory Life, do make publish & declare this to be my Last Will & Testament in Manner & Form following (Vizt.)

Principally and first of all I give and recommend my Soul unto the Hands of God that gave it, & my Body I recommend to the Earth to be buried in Decent Christian Burial at the Discretion of my Executors hereafter named, and as touching such worldly Estate wherein this hath pleased God to bless me in this Life I give demise and dispose of the same in the following Manner & Form. Vizt.

First I will and desire that all my just Debts which I do owe to any person whatsoever be paid or Contented within convenient Time after my Decease.

Item I give and bequeath to my Son William McDaniel, the sum of five shillings Sterling Money.

Item I give and bequeath to my Son James MacDaniel Jun. the following Tract or parcel of Land, Vizt. Part of MacDaniels Chance & part of the Resurvey on MacDaniels Chance, beginning at the Beginning of the said Resurvey, and running thence North sixty one Degrees East five perches North thirty Degrees West forty perches, North Six Degrees East twenty perches North twenty five Degrees East eighty perches, North two Degrees and an half Degree East sixty one perches, South seventeen Degrees West one hundred & thirty two Perches North forty four Degrees West fifty eight, South sixty-__ Degrees West, one hundred and forty eight perches, North four Degrees West, one hundred & ten perches, South twelve Degrees West, ninety eight perches, South sixty two Degrees East thirty four South twenty six Degrees West, eighteen perches, South sixty seven Degrees West fifty three perches South eleven Degrees West twenty six perches then South seventy eight Degrees East seventy nine perches to the End of the first Line of Galloway then South forty five Degrees East seventeen Perches then South eighty seven Degrees and an half Degree East fourteen perches to the Beginning of the Original Tract. Tract called MacDaniels Chance therewith said Land North sixty seven Degrees East seventy four perches then East thirty eight perches, then by a straight line to the Beginning containing and laid out for one hundred & thirty acres of Land, the above described Land I give and divise to my said Son James MacDaniel and to his Heirs for ever.

Item I give and bequeath to my Son Redman MacDaniel and to his Heirs forever, all the following Tract or parcel of Land being part of a Tract of Land called Galloway & part of a Tract called MacDaniels Chance and part of the Resurvey made in said Tracts, beginning at the End of twenty six perches on the first Line of Galloway & running thence South thirty four Degrees and an half Degree West, one hundred & thirty three perches then North thirty three Degrees and an half Degree West one hundred and seventy nine perches to the End of the sixteenth Line of the Resurvey on MacDaniels Chance - then reversing the two following Lines of the said Resurvey on MacDaniels Chance North fifteen Degrees East thirty four perches, South sixty six Degrees East twenty six perches, then leaving the outlines of the Resurvey on MacDaniels Chance & running South seventy eight Degrees East seventy nine perches to the end of the first line of Galloway, then by a straight line to the Beginning containing one hundred acres of Land.

Item I give and bequeath to my Son John MacDaniel & to his Heirs forever, all that part of a Tract or parcel of Land being part of a Tract of Land called Galloway & part of a Resurvey made on said Land beginning at the Original Beginning Tree of said Land called Galloway & running thence -- North forty five Degrees West one hundred & thirty three perches then South forty six Degrees West twenty nine perches to the End of the Ninth Line of the Resurvey on Galloway, then reversing said Line South sixteen Degrees - West nineteen perches to the end of nine perches on the thirteenth Line of the said Resurvey on Galloway, then with the said thirteenth Line South seven Degrees West sixty one perches South sixty Degrees East fifty seven perches then North thirty one Degrees East, one hundred & seventy eight Perches to the End of the seventh Line of the Original Tract called Galloway then North forty Degrees East thirty two perches to the End of the Last Line of Galloway then by a straight Line to the Beginning containing & laid out for one hundred Acres of Land.

Item I give and bequeath to my Son Joseph MacDaniel & to his Heirs forever the following Tract or parcel of Land Vizt. part of a Resurvey made in a Tract of Land called Galloway and one other Trace of Land called the Isle of Arren, beginning at the End of the last Line of Galloway & reversing the three last Lines of said Land runs three South seventy six Degrees East eighty seven perches South twenty three Degrees East twenty eight perches South sixty one Degrees West sixty perches to the Beginning of the Isle of Arran, then with said Land south six Degrees East seventy perches South eighty four Degrees West seventy two perches North twenty six Degrees West sixty four perches to the End of seventy perches on the seventh Line of Galloway then reversing said Land South twenty three Degrees West fifty one perches to the End of nineteen perches on the sixteenth Line of the Resurvey on Galloway, then South twenty six Degrees East nineteen perches South fifty degrees West fifty perches North sixty Degrees West twenty one perches to the End of the south Line of John McDaniels Part of said Land, then North thirty one Degrees East one hundred & seventy eight perches to the End of the seventh Line of the Original Tract Called Galloway then by a straight line to the Beginning containing one hundred acres of Land.

Item I give and Bequeath to my two Grandsons (Vizt.) James MacDaniel & Joseph MacDaniel the Sons of William MacDaniel to them and their Heirs all the following Tract or Parcel of Land being part of the Resurvey on MacDaniels Chance & part of the Resurvey on Galloway beginning at the End of the sixteenth Line of the Resurvey on MacDaniels Chance & running thence South sixty two Degrees West twenty eight perches North sixty Degrees West twenty perches South eighty Degrees West seventeen perches, South nineteen Degrees West twenty five perches, South six Degrees East ninety perches South fifty four Degrees East seventy four Perches North thirty Degrees seventeen perches, to the End of fifteen perches in the sixth Line of the Resurvey on Galloway, then with the said Resurvey on Galloway South sixty Degrees East Eleven perches, South sixteen Degrees West eighty perches South eighteen Degrees East seventy perches North forty Degrees East sixty perches North sixteen Degrees East ninety two perches, then leaving the outlines of the Resurvey on Galloway & running North forty six Degrees East twenty nine perches, then by a straight Line to the Beginning containing one hundred & fifty seven acres of Land.

I also give to my Son William MacDaniel all that Tract or parcel of Land, called Prestons Lott, cituate in Frederick County aforesaid on the North Side of Linganore Creek.

The Rest of my movable Estate I leave to my well beloved Wife Rebecca MacDaniel besides her Thirds & after her Decease I desire all my movable Estate should be sold, and ten pounds Common Current Money paid to each of my three Daughters if so much can be raised out of my movable Estate (Vizt.)

Ten pounds to Mary Sparks and ten pounds to Rebecca Right & ten pounds to Elizabeth Becraft, & the rest if any there be to be equally divided among my four Sons, Vizt. James, Redman, John & Joseph MacDaniel.

I nominate and appoint my trusty & well beloved Wife Rebecca MacDaniel, and my trusty & well beloved Son James MacDaniel my Executors of this my Last Will & Testament Ratifying & Confirming this and no other to be my Last Will & Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & Seal this twenty eight Day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & seventy four.

James "his X mark" MacDaniel Senr. {Seal}

Sworn Sealed published & declared by the said James MacDaniel Senr. as & for his Last Will & Testament in the presence of us who have hereunto subscribed our Hands as Witnesses thereto in the presence of the Testator and in the presence of each other.

Daniel Richards, John Campbell, Edward "his E mark" Evans.

On the 19th Day of June 1775

Daniel Richards, John Campbell & Edward Evans the three subscribing Witnesses to the aforegoing Will and made Oath on the holy Evangels of Almighty God that they did see the Testator James MacDaniel sign and seal the said Will and heard him publish pronounce and declare the same to be his last Will & Testament & that at the Time of his so doing he was to the best of their apprehensions of a sound & discerning Mind & Memory & that they severally subscribed their Names as Witnesses to the said Will in the presence of the Testator & in the presence of each other. Sworn before F. Bowles, Dy. Secry.

"The Maryland Germans" by Dieter Cunz, 1948, Princeton University Press. "Index of Maryland Colonial Wills"

Family Data Collection Births

U.S. and International Marriage Records 1560-1900

Twenty First Generation

xxi. William McDaniel was born June 12, 1754 in Calvert, Maryland, died December 24, 1846 Clinton County, Ohio. Married Priscilla Ann Wynn November 29, 1779 in Upper Marlborough, Prince George's County, Maryland. Priscilla Ann Wynn was born April 16, 1764 in Piscataway Parish, Prince George County, Maryland, died March 30, 1806 Berkley, Louisa, Virginia, USA.

Priscilla Ann Wynn is the daughter of John Wynn and Sherry Berry Robey.

William McDaniel and Priscilla Ann Wynn had ten children:

Twenty Second Generation:

xxii. William Solomon McDaniel b. February 22, 1782 d. July 19, 1857
xxii. Sarah McDaniel b. 1783 d. 1784
xxii. Eleanor Ann McDaniel b. August 13, 1784 d. October 10, 1846
xxii. Elizabeth McDaniel b. 1785 d. 1799
xxii. Mary Ann McDaniel b. 1789 d. 1803
xxii. Nancy Ann McDaniel b. October 18, 1791 d. May 12m 1882
xxii. JosephMcDaniel b. 1793 d. 1810
xxii. Anna McDaniel b. 1795 d. 1809
xxii. Isabella McDaniel b. 1797 d. 1811
xxii. James McDaniel b. 1799 d. 1800

More Information on William McDaniel:

Maryland Records Colonial, Revolutionary, County and Church from Original Sources Marriage Licenses Issued at Upper Marlborough, Prince George's County, Maryland--1777 to 1801.
Name: Priscilla Ann Wynn

Spouse: William McDaniel

Marriage Date: 29 Nov 1779

According to the Maryland Revolutionary War Records:

Name: William McDaniel
Birth Date: 1754
Rank: Private
Establishment: Militia
Comment: Flying Camp

Revolutionary War Records
Marriages, Prince Georges County, Maryland 1777-1886 Part 07
Maryland Records Colonial, Revolutionary, County and Church from Original Sources Marriage Licenses Issued at Upper Marlborough, Prince George's County, Maryland--1777 to 1801.
American Genealogical Biographical Index

Twenty Second Generation

xxii. William Solomon McDaniel was born February 22, 1782 in Amherst, Virginia. Died July 19, 1857 in Clinton, Ohio. Married Elizabeth Gentile December 26, 1801 in Frederick, Maryland. Elizabeth Gentile was born about 1783 and died October 20, 1858 in Washington County, Virginia.

Elizabeth Gentile was the daughter of John Gentile and Rachel Paca.

William Solomon McDaniel and Elizabeth Gentile had eleven children.

Twenty Third Generation:

xxiii. George McDaniel b. March 11, 1803 d. February 8, 1862
xxiii. Sarah McDaniel b. about 1806 d. 1880
xxiii. William McDaniel b. December 25, 1809 d. October 4, 1862
xxiii. Mary McDaniel b. March 9, 1811 d. unknown
xxiii. John Rucker McDaniel b. January 2, 1813 d. July 30, 1889
xxiii. Rachel P. McDaniel b. September 5, 1819 d. December 17, 1891
xxiii. Nathaniel McDaniel b. February 17, 1821 d. March 8, 1901
xxiii. Leah McDaniel b. about 1825 d. about 1880
xxiii. Asa Harvey McDaniel b. January 29, 1827 d. November 18, 1901
xxiii. Job McDaniel b. July 1829 d. February 7, 1913
xxiii. Elizabeth Jane McDaniel b. about 1832 d. about 1882

1840 Federal Census County Washington, Virginia Line One Shows 2 males under the age of 5 1 male between the ages of 20 and 30 1 male between the ages of 30 and 40 1 female between the age of 20 and 30

August 29, 1850 Federal Census Washington County, Virginia Line 41 Wm McDaniel age 68 Elizabeth McDaniel age 68 Leah McDaniel age 23 Asa McDaniel age 22 Job McDaniel age 20 Jane McDaniel age 17

1840 Federal Census
1850 Federal Census
Maryland Marriages 1655 – 1850

Twenty Third Generation

xxiii. George McDaniel was born March 11, 1803 and died February 8, 1862. Married Mary Montgomery April 3, 1825. Mary Montgomery was born June 14, 1802 and died 1861.

The parents of Mary Montgomery are unknown.

George McDaniel and Mary Montgomery had nine children:

Twenty Fourth Generation:

xxiv. Rachel McDaniel
xxiv. James H. McDaniel b. 1826
xxiv. Elizabeth McDaniel b. 1827
xxiv. Susan McDaniel b. May 4, 1827 d. July 11, 1861
xxiv. Joseph A. McDaniel b. February 23, 1830
xxiv. Mary McDaniel b. 1834
xxiv. Alfred B. McDaniel b. 1834 d. September 17, 1872
xxiv. Nancy McDaniel b. 1838
xxiv. Sarah Jane McDaniel b. 1840

August 29, 1860 Federal Census Washington County, Virginia Line 30 George McDaniel age 57 – Farmer born in Md Mary McDaniel age 58 – House keeper born in Va Susan McDaniel age 27 – Weaver born in Va Sarah McDaniel age 21 – Spinster born in Va Value of Real Estate - $3,000.00 Value of Personal Property $500.00

1860 Federal Census

Twenty Fourth Generation

xxiv. Alfred B. McDaniel was born about 1834 in Washington County, Virginia, died September 17, 1862 at the battle of Sharpsburg. Married Sarah Keys date unknown. Sarah Keys was born 1836 in Washington County, Virginia, died 1880 Neosho Falls, Woodson County, Kansas.

Sarah Keys was the daughter of John Keys and Rebecca Boring.

Alfred B. McDaniel and Sarah Keys had three children:

Twenty Fifth Generation:

xxv. George B. McDaniel b. November 28, 1857 d. before 1900
xxv. Susan S. McDaniel b. January 2, 1859 d. March 12, 1932
xxv. Alfred Joseph Rogers McDaniel b. August 15, 1861 d. September 2, 1915

More Information of Alfred B. McDaniel:

On March 20, 1862, Alfred McDaniel enlisted at Abingdon, Virginia as a private in Co B, 37th Regiment of Virginia Infantry, for three years.

The following was taken from the book The History of Allen and Woodson Counties... This is how I came up with the date of death for Sarah Keys McDaniel as 1880.

Mrs. Saferite is Susan S. McDaniel

The lady who now bears the name of Mrs. Saferite is a native of Virginia and in 1869; she accompanied her mother to Illinois, whence they came to Kansas in 1875. Her father, Alford McDaniel, was a native of Virginia and was killed in the Civil war at the battle of Sharpsburg, September 17, 1862, after serving for one year. The mother afterward removed westward with her children and died in Woodson County in 1880. Mrs. Saferite was a maiden of sixteen summers when she came to Kansas and here she has since resided. By her marriage, she has become the mother of nine children: Ira Asa, Jennie May, Lee Alford, Iva Etta, Ray George, Ada Ellen, Roy Charles, Ida Susan and Ola Malinda. The family circle yet remains unbroken by the hand of death, and the children are all under the parental roof.

August 29, 1860 Federal Census Washington County, Virginia Line 40 Alfred McDaniel age 26 born in Va. Occupation Farmer Value of Personal Property $400.00

The History of Allen and Woodson Counties Compiled by L. Wallace Duncan and Chas. F. Scott. Iola Registers, Printers and Binders, Iola, Kan.1901
1860 Federal Census
American Civil War Soldiers Data Base

Twenty Fifth Generation

xxv. George B McDaniel was born November 28, 1857 in Virginia, died before 1900 in Woodson County, Kansas. Married Julia Melinda King December 25, 1879. Julia Melinda King was born November 14, 1861 in Kansas, date of death still being researched.

Julia Melinda King is the daughter of Balser H. King and Mary E. Unknown Last Name.

George B. McDaniel and Julia Melinda King had four children:

Twenty Sixth Generation:

xxvi. Hugh Alfred McDaniel b. May 17, 1881 d. November 9, 1927
xxvi. Mae M. McDaniel b. November 1882 d. unknown
xxvi. Ralph Lee McDaniel b. April 13, 1886 d. before 1925
xxvi. Alice “Allie” Harriett McDaniel b. September 6, 1890 d. April 8, 1976

More Information on George B. McDaniel:

Woodson County Marriages
George B. McDaniel, 23, m. Julia M. King, 18, 25 Dec 1879, Book B-242

George B. McDaniel does not appear in any census after 1895 and in the 1900 census it shows his wife Julia as a widow, so George B. McDaniel died between 1895 and 1900.

Julia Melinda King McDaniel does not appear in any census after 1900; however I do find a Julia M. Brennan in 1925 living with Lillian McDaniel her granddaughter. Lillian McDaniel is the daughter of Ralph Lee McDaniel and Olive Amanda Veteto. I am still verifying that Julia M. Brennan is Julia M. McDaniel.

August 10, 1870 Federal Census McDonough, Illinois Line 37 Sarah McDaniel age 45 born in Virginia, George McDaniel age 13 born in Virginia, Susan McDaniel age 12 born in Virginia, Alfred McDaniel age 9 born in Virginia

June 1880 Federal Census Neosho Falls, Woodson County, Kansas Line 14 George B. McDaniel age 23, married. Occupation Farmer. Shows he was born in Virginia as well as both of his parents being born in Virginia. Julia L (they called her Linie) McDaniel age18, married. Occupation keeping house. Shows she was born in Kansas and her father was born in Ohio.

March 1, 1885 Kansas State Census Everett, Woodson County, Kansas Line 9 Name: George B McDaniel Marital Status: Married Gender: Male Estimated Birth: 1857 Age: 28 Race: White Others in household: Linie McDaniel age 23 Alfred H. McDaniel age 3 Mae McDaniel age 1

The 1890 Federal Census records were destroyed by fire.

March 1, 1895 Kansas Census Neosho Falls, Woodson County, Kansas Line 3 G. B. (George) McDaniel age 38, male, white, born in Virginia Others in the household: J.M. (Julia Melinda) McDaniel age 33 A. H. (Alfred) McDaniel age 13 M.M. (Mae M) McDaniel age 11 Ralph McDaniel age 8 A. H. (Alice) McDaniel age 4

June 6th and 7th 1900 Federal Census Neosho Falls, Woodson County, Kansas Line 93 Malinda McDaniel is head of household and shows that she is widowed. Age 38, Birth date is November 1861. Birthplace Kansas, race white, ethnicity American. Father’s birthplace, Ohio. Mother’s birthplace, Indiana. Number of children 4, how many living 4. Occupation, keeping house. She is renting the home they are living in. Others in the household are Alfred H McDaniel age 19, Mae M McDaniel age 16, Ralph L McDaniel age 14, and Alice H McDaniel age 9.

1870 Federal Census
1880 Federal Census
1885 Kansas State Census
1895 Kansas State Census
1900 Federal Census
Woodson County Marriages 1860-1986

Twenty Sixth Generation

xxvi. Hugh Alfred McDaniel born May 17, 1881 in Neosho Falls, Woodson County, Kansas, died November 9, 1927 Iola, Allen County, Kansas. Married Stella Mae Shaede April 6, 1904. Stella Mae Schaede was born August 14, 1886 Neosho Falls, Woodson County, Kansas, died August 1, 1992 Iola, Allen County, Kansas.

Stella Mae Schaede is the daughter of Johann Franz "Frank" Schaede and Helene Henriette Fredericke Krien.

Hugh Alfred McDaniel and Stella Mae Schaede had two children:

Twenty Seventh Generation:

xxvii. Loyd Ralph McDaniel b. February 10, 1905 d. July 6, 1989
xxvii. Julia Marie McDaniel b. June 24, 1915 d.September 15, 2009

More Information on Hugh Alfred McDaniel:

Hugh Alfred McDaniel Death Notice and Obituary

From the Iola Register Thursday, Nov. 10, 1927

The funeral services for Hugh McDaniel will be held at the First Methodist church in Neosho Falls tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock, conducted by the Rev. N. L. Vezie. Mr. McDaniel, formerly lived in Iola, but was living on a farm in the Liberty neighborhood at the time of his death.

From the Iola Register of November 15, 1927

Hugh Alfred McDaniel

Hugh Alfred McDaniel was born at Neosho Falls, Kans., May, 17, 1881, and died at the Research hospital at Kansas City, November 9, 1927. On April 6, 1904, he was united in marriage to Stella Schaede and to this union were born two children, Loyd and Julia. He leaves to mourn his death his wife and two children; his mother Mrs. Julia McDaniel, of Iola; two sisters, Mrs. Clyde Ramsey of Okemah, Okla., and Mrs. C. E. Thrall, of Iola, Kans., and many other relatives and friends. He was converted in January, 1914, at the Methodist Episcopal Church at Neosho Falls and his life has since been a mighty power for good wherever he resided. It was the writer's privilege to know him while at Carlyle where he was assistant superintendent of the Sunday school and an elder in the Presbyterian Church where his Christian life was an inspiration to higher living. Truly a prince to Israel has fallen. The funeral service was conducted by the Rev. N. L. Vezie of Iola, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Hamilton of Carlyle at the Methodist church, Friday, November 11 at 2 o'clock. Interment was made in the Neosho Falls cemetery.

March 1, 1885 Kansas State Census Everett, Woodson County, Kansas Line 11 Alfred H McDaniel, Single, Male, born about 1882 age 3 at the time of the census, race, white. Others in household George B McDaniel age 28, Linie McDaniel age 23, Mae McDaniel age 1.

The 1890 Federal Census records were destroyed by fire.

March 1, 1895 Kansas Census Neosho Falls, Woodson County, Kansas Line 5 A. H. (Alfred) McDaniel age 13 Others in the household: G. B. (George) McDaniel age 38, male, white, born in Virginia J.M. (Julia Melinda) McDaniel age 33 M.M. (Mae M) McDaniel age 11 Ralph McDaniel age 8 A. H. (Alice) McDaniel age 4

June 6th and 7th 1900 Federal Census Neosho Falls, Woodson County, Kansas Line 94 Malinda McDaniel is head of household and shows that she is widowed. Age 38, Birth date is November 1861. Birthplace Kansas, race white, ethnicity American. Father’s birthplace, Ohio. Mother’s birthplace, Indiana. Number of children 4, how many living 4. Occupation, keeping house. She is renting the home they are living in. Others in the household are Alfred H McDaniel age 19, Mae M McDaniel age 16, Ralph L McDaniel age 14, and Alice H McDaniel age 9. Alfred H McDaniel born May 1881, male, white, age 19, born in Kansas. Father born in Virginia, mother born in Kansas. He is working as a farm laborer and he is single.

March 1, 1905 Kansas Census, Neosho Falls, Woodson County, Kansas. Line 1 Hugh McDaniel age 23, male, white. Stella McDaniel age 18, female, white. Loyd McDaniel 1 month old, male, white.

March 1, 1915 Kansas Census, Liberty, Woodson County, Kansas Line 24 H.A. (Hugh) McDaniel age 33 Stella McDaniel age 28 Loyd McDaniel age 9

September 12, 1918 Hugh Alferd (this is how he wrote his name on the registration card) McDaniel registered for World War I. Birth date: May 27, 1881 age is 37. Occupation: Farmer for Self. Nearest Relative: Stella M. McDaniel Address: 1 Vernon Woodson Kansas Signed as Hugh Alfred McDaniel Height: Medium Build: Slender Color of Eyes: Dark Blue Color of Hair: Black

1920 Federal Census Liberty, Woodson County, Kansas Line 99 Hugh A. McDaniel, Head of Household, he owns his home, male, white, age 38, married. Shows he can read and write, he was born in Kansas, his father was born in Virginia, and his mother was born in Kansas. Others in the household: Stella M McDaniel age 34, Loyd R McDaniel age 15, Julia M McDaniel age 3.

February 1925 Kansas State Census, Iola, Allen County, Kansas Line 26 Hugh A. McDaniel, head of household, male, white, age 44 and married. Born in Kansas, occupation, retired farmer. Others in the household: Stella McDaniel age 39. Loyd McDaniel age 20. Julia McDaniel age 10.

1905 Kansas State Census
1915 Kansas State Census
1918 World War I Registration
1920 Federal Census
1925 Kansas State Census
1930 Kansas State Census
Woodson County, Kansas Marriages 1860-1986
Additional Information provided by Leon Harris

Twenty Seventh Generation

xxvii. Loyd Ralph McDaniel born February 10, 1905 in Neosho Falls, Woodson County, Kansas, died July 6, 1989 in Iola, Allen County, Kansas. Married Velma Mae Finch about 1928. Velma Mae Finch was born November 29, 1909 in Neosho Falls, Woodson County, Kansas, died October 7, 1960 in Fort Pierre, Stanley County, South Dakota.

Velma Mae Finch is the daughter of Harless Howard Finch and Rebecca Harris.

Loyd Ralph McDaniel and Velma Mae Finch had three children:

Twenty Eighth Generation:

xxviii. Living McDaniel b. December 9, 1931
xxviii. Harold Eugene McDaniel b. February 23, 1933 d. April 22, 2008
xxviii. Living McDaniel b. August 29, 1943

xxvii. Julia Marie McDaniel born June 24, 1915 Liberty, Woodson County, Kansas, died September 15, 2009 Brunswick, Missouri. Married William Edward Rea. William Edward Rea was born May 16, 1912 in Wichita, Kansas, died November 17, 1997 Iola, Allen County, Kansas.

William Edward Rea is the son of Mary Helen Van Zandt and William Archie Rea.

Julia Marie McDaniel and William Edward Rea had four children

Twenty Eighth Generation:
xxviii. Hugh William Rea b. January 28, 1943 Kansas City, Missouri d. May 24, 1949 Iola, Kansas
xxviii. Living Rea b. May 20, 1948, Lacrosse, Kansas
xxviii. Edward Denzil Rea b. March 31, 1949 Nelson, Missouri d. February 12, 2007 Tampa, Florida
xxviii. Living Rea b. May 5, 1951

More information on Loyd Ralph McDaniel and Julia Marie McDaniel:

March 1, 1905 Kansas Census, Neosho Falls, Woodson County, Kansas. Line 1 Hugh McDaniel age 23, male, white. Stella McDaniel age 18, female, white. Loyd McDaniel 1 month old, male, white.

March 1, 1915 Kansas Census, Liberty, Woodson County, Kansas Line 24 H.A. (Hugh) McDaniel age 33 Stella McDaniel age 28 Loyd McDaniel age 9

1920 Federal Census Liberty, Woodson County, Kansas Line 99 Hugh A. McDaniel, Head of Household, he owns his home, male, white, age 38, married. Shows he can read and write, he was born in Kansas, his father was born in Virginia, his mother was born in Kansas. Others in the household: Stella M McDaniel age 34, Loyd R McDaniel age 15, Julia M McDaniel age 3.

February 1925 Kansas State Census, Iola, Allen County, Kansas Line 26 Hugh A. McDaniel, head of household, male, white, age 44 and married. Born in Kansas, occupation, retired farmer. Others in the household: Stella McDaniel age 39. Loyd McDaniel age 20, occupation Farm Hand. Julia McDaniel age 10.

1930 Federal Census, Neosho Falls, Woodson County, Kansas Line 87 Loyd R McDaniel, Head of Household. Renting home, living on a farm. Male, white, married age 25. Age at marriage 23. Attended school – no, can read and write – yes. Born in Kansas, Father and Mother both born in Kansas. Others in the household: Mae V. McDaniel age 20. Rebecca Harris Finch age 54.

Obituary From Iola Register, Friday, July 7, 1989

Loyd R. McDaniel, 84, of 217 N. Washington, died Thursday, July 6, at his home.

The son of Hugh and Stella Schaede McDaniel, he was born Feb. 10, 1905, in Neosho Falls. He married Velma Mae Finch. They made their home on a farm west of Iola. In 1947, Mr. McDaniel began working for construction companies as a heavy equipment operator and his job took him too many communities. He moved to Iola from Sterling, Colo., about five years ago. He was a member of Calvary United Methodist Church.

His wife, Velma died on Oct. 7, 1960, and he later married Kathryn Terrill, who also preceded him in death.

Survivors include three sons, Harley of Columbus, Harold of Santa Paula, Calif., and Jerry of Topsham, Maine; his mother, Stella McDaniel of Iola; a sister, Julia Rea of Iola; eight grandchildren; and a great grandchild.

Services will be 11 a.m. Monday in Waugh-Yokum and Friskel Chapel, 16 N. Buckeye. The Rev. Paul Lynn will officiate. Burial will be in Highland Cemetery.

1905 Kansas State Census
1915 Kansas State Census
1920 Federal Census
1925 Kansas State Census
1930 Kansas State Census
Social Security Death Index
Additional Information provided by Leon Harris

Twenty Eighth Generation

xxviii. Harold Eugene McDaniel was born February 23, 1933 in Iola, Allen County, Kansas. Died April 22, 2008 in Santa Paula, Ventura County, California. Married Marilyn Katherine Jeffries June 7, 1954 in Yankton, South Dakota. Marilyn Katherine Jefferies was born about 1939 in South Dakota. They Divorced March 29, 1956.

Harold Eugene McDaniel then married Betty Smith September 21, 1960 in Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico. Betty Smith was born September 2, 1938 in Mount Vernon, Jefferson County, Illinois, died February 21, 1990 in Sacramento, Sacramento County, California. Marriage annulled June 2, 1966 in Ventura, Ventura County, California.

Betty Smith is the daughter of Lee Smith and Lena Evadene Wilson.

Harold Eugene McDaniel and Betty Smith had two children:

Twenty Ninth Generation:

xxix. Living McDaniel b. March 12, 1962
xxix. Living McDaniel b. January 31, 1965

Harold Eugene McDaniel then married Living Anderson August 12, 1966 in Santa Paula, Ventura County, California. Living Anderson was born April 15, 1942 in Ventura County, California.

Living Anderson is the daughter of JB Anderson and Livona Grace Renfro.

Harold Eugene McDaniel and Living Anderson had three children:

Twenty Ninth Generation:

xxix. Dean Allen McDaniel b. August 15, 1967 d. August 15, 1967
xxix. Living McDaniel b. June 1, 1971
xxix. Living McDaniel b. January 28, 1973

More Information Harold Eugene McDaniel:

Harold Eugene “Dan” McDaniel

Harold Eugene McDaniel was born in Iola, Kansas. Because of the name McDaniel, his nickname was Dan, as his father's nick name was Mac.

Fought in the Korean War and received several medals and commendations. He was a prisoner of war for approximately a year.

After the Korean War he settled in Santa Paula, California.

Cause of death cancer.

Obituary from the Santa Paula Times:

Harold McDaniel

H. E. “Dan” McDaniel, 75, passed away peacefully with his wife at his side on April 22, 2008 after a short illness. He was born in Iola, Kansas on February 23, 1933 to Mae and Loyd McDaniel. More than anything in his life, Dan was a devoted husband and father. He was so proud of his children. They were joys of his life, and inherited his unique sense of humor. He left this world greatly comforted by the belief that his children would raise their own children to remember their grandfather as the witty, fun-loving, caring and affectionate man they knew him to be. His wife Jean is grateful to have shared the adventurous and thrilling experience that was life with Dan. After serving in the Army and as a prisoner of war in Korea, Dan moved to Santa Paula to continue a career as a heavy equipment operator that he began in Kansas at age 15. He was the owner/operator of Dan’s Heavy Equipment, and worked with many local farmers. He was very proud of his accomplishments and the relationships formed during these years. His sense of humor endeared him to a varied cast of characters proud to call him friend, all of whom will miss him very much. After Dan and Wife retired, they bought a motor home and traveled the country, visiting family and especially their grandchildren. They recently reminisced of how much they enjoyed their time traveling, getting lost and taking daring side trips. Dan is joining his mother, Mae, and his father Loyd. Dan is survived by his wife of 43 years; 3 sons and a daughter; a sister-in-law; 10 grandchildren; 2 nephews; a great-niece; and members of the extended family. Contributions in Dan’s memory may be made to the Roze Room Hospice of Ventura, 5700 Ralston St., Suite 204, Ventura, CA 93003, or any hospice of your choice. There will be a graveside service Wednesday, April 30 in Iola, Kansas.

Obituary from Ventura County Star:

Harold McDaniel 1933 - 2008

H.E. "Dan" McDaniel, 75, passed away peacefully with his wife at his side on April 22, 2008, after a short illness. He was born in Iola, Kan., on Feb. 23, 1933, to Mae and Loyd McDaniel. More than anything in his life, Dan was a devoted husband and father. He was so proud of his children. They were joys of his life and inherited his unique sense of humor. He left this world greatly comforted by the belief that his children would raise their own children to remember their Grandfather as the witty, fun-loving, caring and affectionate man they knew him to be. His wife, is grateful to have shared the adventurous and thrilling experience that was life with Dan. After serving in the Army and as a prisoner of war in Korea. Dan moved to Santa Paula to continue a career as heavy equipment operator that he began in Kansas at age 15. He was the owner/operator of Dan's Heavy Equipment and worked with many local farmers. He was very proud of his accomplishments and the relationships formed during these years. His sense of humor endeared him to a varied cast of characters proud to call him friend, all of whom will miss him very much. After Dan and his wife retired, they bought a motor home and traveled the country visiting family and especially their grandchildren. They recently reminisced of how much they enjoyed their time traveling, getting lost and taking daring side trips. Dan is joining his mother, Mae, and his father Loyd. Dan is survived by his wife of 43 years; 3 sons, a daughter; sister-in-law; 10 grandchildren 2 nephews; a great niece; and members of the extended family. Contributions in Dan's memory may be made to the Roze Room Hospice of Ventura, 5700 Ralston St., Suite 204, Ventura CA 93003 or any hospice of your choice. There will be a graveside service on Wednesday, April 30, in Iola, Kan.

Obituary from the Iola Register:

McDaniel Services

Graveside services with military honors for former Iolan Harold E. “Danny” McDaniel of Santa Paula, Calif., whose death April 22 was published in Monday’s Register, will be at 2 p.m. Wednesday in Highland Cemetery in Iola. The Rev. Gene McIntosh will officiate. Memorials to hospice of the donor’s choice may be left at Waugh-Yokum & Friskel Memorial Chapels, Iola, which is in charge of arrangements. He was born Feb. 23, 1933, in Iola to Loyd Ralph and Velma Mae (Finch) McDaniel. He grew up in Iola and attended Iola High School. He entered the U.S. Army where he served in the 1st Cav. Div. 7th Cav. Regt. serving in Korea where he was a prisoner of war. He was awarded a purple heart, Korean service medal with three bronze stars, United Nations service medal, combat infantry badge and Army occupation medal (Japan). Following an honorable discharge from the service, he made his home in Santa Paula where he owned Dan’s Heavy Equipment. He was a member of Freewill Baptist Church in Santa Paula. On Aug. 12, 1966, he was married to Living Anderson in Santa Paula. She survives at the home, as does a daughter, three sons, 10 grandchildren; an aunt, Julia Rea of Iola who recently moved to Keytesville, Mo.; and two brothers.

The Children of Harold Eugene McDaniel

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