November 25th - December 22th

Sign ~~ The Elder Tree

Ruis (RWEESH), elder - The common elder (Sambucus nigra L.) is a shrub growing to 30 feet in damp clearings, along the edge of woods, and especially near habitations. Elders are grown for their blackish berries, which are used for preserves and wine. The leaf scars have the shape of a crescent moon. Elder branches have a broad spongy pith in their centers, much like the marrow of long bones, and an elder branch stripped of its bark is very bone-like. The red elder (S. racemosa L.) is a similar plant at higher elevations; it grows to 15 feet. Red elder extends its native range to northern North America, and it is cultivated along with other native species, but common elders are seldom seen in cultivation. Elders are in the Honeysuckle family (Caprifoliaceae).

Symbol ~~ The Black Horse or the Raven

Character of the Elder Tree:  Elder Tree characters evolve gradually during their lifetimes. Initially in their youth they are inclined to waste much time and energy on worthless ventures or projects.  They are often fortunate or benefit from inheritances which encourage extravagant tastes or indulgences.  They have a basic restlessness or an insatiable curiosity that draws them into the study of profound subjects, and they are inclined to travel great distances in order to further their knowledge. People born during the first two weeks come under the New Moon phase of the sign and they are more outspoken and impulsive.  They are, however, extremely persuasive orators who will constantly challenge injustices or what they see as corrupt powers.  The people born during the last two weeks come under the Full Moon phase, and while they have great vision, they are inclined to operate more successfully in the background rather than pursue a confrontational approach.