July8th - August 4th

Sign ~~ Tinne (Gaelic) The Holly Tree

Tinne (CHIN-yuh), holly - The holly (Ilex aquifolium L.) is a shrub growing to 35 feet in open woodlands and along clearings in forests. Hollies are evergreen, and stand out in winter among the bare branches of the deciduous forest trees that surround them. Hollies form red berries before Samhain which last until the birds finish eating them, often after Imbolc. The typical "holly leaf" is found on smaller plants, but toward the tops of taller plants the leaves have fewer spiny teeth. Hollies are members of the Holly family (Aquifoliaceae). The common holly is often cultivated in North America, as are hybrids between it and Asiatic holly species.

Symbol ~~ The Unicorn and the Flaming Star

Character of the Holly Tree:  People born under this sign, unlike the Oak Tree characters, are less inclined to take risks of any kind until they have carefully checked the odds for and against.  They have a strong blend of personal qualities that denote great integrity of character.  This relates to a highly practical down-to-earth quality of character, with the ability to solve difficult problems through simple logic.  People born during the first two weeks of the sign are associated with the New Moon and are more inclined to become involved in other people's dreams and ambitions by providing both financial and emotional support.  While this reveals an unselfish and sympathetic nature the negative aspects is a blind optimism which can be personally damaging.  Full Moon people, born during the last two weeks, are more committed to their own dreams and ambitions.  They will become the founding members of societies or great business corporations, though Holly Tree people generally have a great sense of history or tradition.  The negative aspects of the Full Moon character is their hypersensitivity to personal criticism which may force them to retreat periodically from the world.